Friday, February 8, 2013




            Almost everyone has experienced education, but not everyone understands the meaning of education, educators, and educational. To understand education, there are two terms that can lead to an understanding of the nature of the education and science education education.
            Science educators is the science or systematic theory about real education for the child or for the child until he reaches maturity.


                The word educate is the keyword of education. Considering it is very important to understand the essence of meaningful educate sublime in the educational process. Educating by Ki Hajar Dewantara I have read the guide all the forces of nature that exist in children in order for them as human beings and as members of society can achieve salvation and happiness as high.
                Educating comparable to Teaching. In my opinion, Educate is an attempt to guide the growth of children, both physical and spiritual purpose, not for the benefit not only now but for life beyond primary future. While teaching is to present a set of certain basic materials knowledge, values​​, skills or description to any person or group with the intent to develop or enhance the talent he had. For this reason, educating greater responsibility than teaching. If we talk about educating and teaching, it will hear the word "LEARNING". Defining Learning is an effort made for someone interested and comfortable when learning.


                The purpose of education is good for children, adolescents, and adults. Educational goals contained in an UUD No.20 of 2003. Education aims at developing students' potentials to become a faithful and pious man to Almighty God ynag, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, creative, independent, and become responsible citizens of Indonesia. Another aim is to develop the intellectual life of the nation and the world participate in the establishment of education based on freedom, abiding peace and social justice for all Indonesian people. To achieve these objectives, the government should establish an education system for example school, tutoring, or just a place to teach both indoors and outdoors sebbagai overall education interrelated components correctly to achieve national education goals.

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